Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here is my second painting

Just finished my second oil painting ever and while it isn't great, I am happier with it compared to my first effort.  I tried to use some of the lessons from my first attempt with varied success.  I quickly realized, again, that it takes very little of a darker color to darken the mix.  It is best to add in very little of the darker paint at a time.

I also mixed the paint less thoroughly to try to get some variation in the color.  In my first attempt, the colors were too even, too uniform.  They resulted in just a mass of lifeless solid color.  This time I have some variation in the shading.  The fruit also looks more like fruit.  They looked liked colored balls in the first painting instead of an apple and an orange.

I am still struggling with getting a three dimensional look.  I think I did pretty good on the shadows on the table, but the fruit could be better.  The jug could definitely be better.  My next class is this Monday so I will definitely have some questions for the instructor.

One final observations is it seems to be ok to pick up some of the neighboring color when painting the edges of the objects.  It softens the edges and, too me, maybe gives it a little more three dimensional look.

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