Monday, January 2, 2012

What type of painter will I be?

I haven't even put the first stroke of paint on a canvas and I already know what kind of painting I want to do.  I told you I was OCD about learning a new subject didn't I?  I want to be an impressionist painter and use a palette knife instead of a brush.

Why impressionism?  Mostly because that is what I like, but partly because that may be all I can do.  I can barely sign my name legibly so I  don't think I will have the fine motor skill to do realistic painting.  While I admire realistic painters and the skill it must take to do that, I want a painting to look like a painting.  I want to see the texture and the brush strokes.  So for lack of fine motor skill and personal preferences, impressionism it is.

I also want to learn to use the palette knife and lay the paint on thick.  As I said, I want texture and what better way to achieve that than with a palette knife and thick layers of paint?  I do want to learn to use the brush and will do a lot of  paintings with the brush, but in the long run I want to use the knife.  It just seems like that paintings done with a knife have a life to them that flat paintings just don't have.

Since I already know the style and technique of painting I want to do I should be painting masterpieces in no time, right?

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